『逆転! 強敵や逆境に勝てる秘密
In the years leading up to the Second World War, the British government was worried.
If, in the event of war, the German Air Force launched a major air offensive against London, the British military command believed that there was nothing they could do to stop it.
Basil Liddell Hart, one of the foremost military theorists of the day, estimated that in the first week of any German attack, London could see a quarter of a million civilian deaths and injuries.
「ロンドンは敵の格好の標的であり、猛獣が舌舐めずりをする丸々と肥えた立派な牛(a kind of tremendous, fat, valuable cow)だ」
Churchill described London as
"the greatest target in the world, a kind of tremendous, fat, valuable cow, tied up to attract the beast of prey."
He predicted that the city would be so helpless in the face of attack that between three and for million Londoners would flee to the countryside.
In 1937, on the eve of the war, the British military command issued a report with the direst prediction of all:
a sustained German bombing attack would leave six hundred thousand dead and 1.2 million wounded and create mass panic in the streets.
People would refuse to go to work. Industrial production would grind to a halt.
The army would be useless against the Germans because it would be preoccupied with keeping order among the millions of panicked civilians. The country's planners briefly considered building a massive network of underground bomb shelters across London, but they abandoned the plan out of a fear that if they did, the people who took refuge there would never come out.
They set up several psychiatric hospitals just outside the city limits to handle what they expected would be a flood of psychological casualties. "There is every chance," the report stated, "that this could cost us the war."
In the fall of 1940, the long-anticipated attack began.
Over a period of eight months -beginning with fifty-seven consecutive nights of devastating bombardment- German bombers thundered across the skies above London, dropping tens of thousands of high-explosive bombs and more than a million buildings were damaged or destroyed.
In the city's East End, entire neighborhoods were laid waste.
It was everything the British government officials had feared -except that every one of their predictions about how Londoners would react turned out to be wrong.
The panic never came.
The psychiatric hospitals built on the outskirts of London were switched over to military use because no one showed up.
Many women and children were evacuated to the countryside as the bombing started. But people who needed to stay in the city by and large stayed.
As the Blitz continued, as the German assaults grew heavier and heavier, the British authorities began to observe -to their astonishment- not just courage in the face of the bombing but something closer to indifference.
One English psychiatrist wrote just after the war ended:
In October 1940 I had occasion to drive through South-East London just after a series of attacks on that district.
Every hundred yards or so, it seemed, there was a bomb crater or wreckage of what had once been a house or shop. The siren blew its warning and I looked to see what would happen.
A nun seized the hand of a child she was escorting and hurried on. She and I seemed to be the only ones who had heard the warning.
Small boys continued to play all over the pavements, shoppers went on haggling, a policeman directed traffic in majestic boredom and the bicyclists defied death and the traffic laws.
No one, so far as I could see, even looked into the sky.
I think you'll agree this is hard to believe.
The Blitz was war.
The exploding bombs sent deadly shrapnel flying in every direction. The incendiaries left a different neighborhood in flames every night. More than a million people lost their homes.
Thousands crammed into makeshift shelters in subway stations every night. Outside, between the thunder of planes overhead, the thud of explosions, the rattle of anti-aircraft guns, and the endless wails of ambulances, fire engines, and warning sirens, the noise was unrelenting.
In one survey of Londoners, on the night of September 12, 1940, a third said that they had gotten no sleep the night before, and another third said they got fewer than four hours.
これがもしニューヨークだったら? 自分の働くオフィスビルが瓦礫と化す生活が2ヶ月半ずっと続く生活に耐えられるだろうか?
Can you imagine how New Yorkers would have reacted if one of their office towers had been reduced to rubble not just once but every night for two and a half months?
The typical explanation for the reaction of Londoners is the British "stiff upper lip" -the stoicism said to be inherent in the English character. (Not suprisingly, this is the explanation most favored by the British themselves.)
But one of the things that soon became clear was that it wasn't just the British who behaved this way. Civilians from other countries also turned out to be unexpectedly resilient in the face of bombing. Bombing, it became clear, didn't have the effect that everyone had thought it would have.
この謎を解明したのが、カナダの精神科医J.T.マカーディとその著書『モラールの構造(The Structure of Morale
It wasn't until the end of the war that the puzzle was solved by the Canadian psychiatrist J. T. MacCurdy, in a book called The Structure of Morale.
MacCurdy argued that when a bomb falls, it divides the affected population into three groups.
The first group is the people willed.
They are the ones for whom the experience of the bombing is -obviously- the most devastating.
But as MacCurdy pointed out (perhaps a bit callously),
"the morale of the community depends on the reaction of the survivors, so from that point of view, the killed do not matter. Put this way the fact is obvious, corpses do not run about spreading panic."
The next group he called the near misses:
They feel the blast, they see the destruction, are horrified by the carnage, perhaps they are wounded, but they survive deeply impressed.
"Impression" means, here, a powerful reinforcement of the fear reaction in association with bombing. It may result in "shock," a loose term that covers anything from a dazed state or actual stupor to jumpiness and preoccupation with the horrors that have been witnessed.
Third, he said, are the remote misses.
These are the people who listen to the sirens, watch the enemy bombers overhead, and hear the thunder of the exploding bombs.
But the bomb hits down the street or the next block over.
And for them, the consequences of a bombing attack are exactly the opposite of the near-miss group.
They survived, and the second or third time that happens, the emotion associated with the attack, MacCurdy wrote, "is a feeling of excitement with a flavour of invulnerability."
A near miss leaves you traumatized. A remote miss makes you think you are invincible.
In diaries and recollections of Londoners who lived through the Blitz, there are countless examples of this phenomenon. Here is one:
When the first siren sounded I took my children to our dug-out in the garden and I was quite certain we were all going to be killed. Then the all-clear went without anything having happened. Ever since we came out of the dug-out I have felt sure nothing would ever hurt us.
Or consider this, from the diary of a young woman whose house was shaken by a nearby explosion:
I lay there feeling indescribably happy and triumphant. "I've been bombed!" I kept on saying to myself, over and over again -trying the phrase on, like a new dress, to see how it fitted. "I've been bombed!..I've been bombed -me!" It seems a terrible thing to say, when many people were killed and injured last night; but never in my whole life have I ever experienced such pure and flawless happiness.
So why were Londoners so unfazed by the Blitz?
Because forty thousand deaths and forty-six thousand injuries -spread across a metropolitan area of more than eight million people- means that there ware many more remote misses who were emboldened by the experience of being bombed than there were near misses who were traumatized by it.
MacCurdy went on.
We are all of us not merely liable to fear. We are also prone to be afraid of being afraid, and the conquering of fear produces exhilaration....
When we have been afraid that we may panic in an air-raid, and when it has happened, we have exhibited to others nothing but a calm exterior and we are now safe,
the contrast between the previous apprehension and the present relief and feeling of security promotes a self-confidence that is the very father and mother of courage.
In the midst of the Blitz, a middle-aged laborer in a button-factory was asked if he wanted to be evacuated to the countryside. He had been bombed out of his house twice. But each time he and his wife had been fine. He refused.
「こんな経験、いままでになかったし、この先も二度とない。それをみすみす見逃せというのかい? 冗談じゃない!」
"What, and miss all this?" he exclaimed. "Not for all the gold in China! There's never been nothing like it! Never! And never will be again."
The idea of desirable difficulty suggests that not all difficulties are negative.
MacCurdy's theory of morale is a second, broader perspective on this same idea. The reason Winston Churchill and the English military brass were so apprehensive about the German attacks on London was that they assumed that a traumatic experience like being bombed would have the same effect on everyone: that the only difference between near misses and remote misses would be the degree of trauma they suffered.
But to MacCurdy, the Blitz proved that traumatic experiences can have two completely different effects on people: the same event can be profoundly damaging to one group while leaving another better off. That man who worked in a button factory and that young woman whose house was shaken by the bomb were better off for their experience, weren't they?
They were in the middle of a war. They couldn't change the fact. But they were freed of the kinds of fears that can make life during wartime unendurable.
Too often, we make the same mistake as the British did and jump to the conclusion that there is only one kind of response to something terrible and traumatic.
There isn't. There are two.
マルコム・グラッドウェル『逆転! 強敵や逆境に勝てる秘密
Malcolm Gladwell: David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants
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