
「To this day」シェーン・コイザン

She was eight years old, our first day of grade three when she got called ugly.


We both got moved to the back of class so we would stop getting bombarded by spitballs. But the school halls were a battleground.


We found ourselves outnumbered day after wretched day. We used to stay inside for recess, because outside was worse.

多勢に無勢で過ごす みじめな日々。最悪の室外を避けて 休み時間も教室を出ない。

Outside, we'd have to rehearse running away, or learn to stay still like statues, giving no clues that we were there.

外では繰り返し走って逃げるか― 彫像のようにじっとして気配を消すしかなかった。

In grade five, they taped a sign to the front of her desk that read, "Beware of dog."

5年生のとき、彼女の机の前にこんな貼り紙 「犬に注意」。

To this day, despite a loving husband, she doesn't think she's beautiful because of a birthmark that takes up a little less than half her face.


Kids used to say, "She looks like a wrong answer that someone tried to erase, but couldn't quite get the job done."


And they'll never understand that she's raising two kids whose definition of beauty begins with the word "Mom,"

彼らには永遠に理解できないだろう、彼女には2人の子どもをがいて、 その子たちがママを美しいと思っていることを。

because they see her heart before they see her skin, 


because she's only ever always been amazing.


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